PreK Program Enrollment

Dear Springfield School District Families: 

As many of you know, we have opened two preschool classrooms as part of our school district. Early education opportunities are exciting for our younger students to experience and socialize in an academic setting, preparing them for the rest of their educational journey. The Springfield School District is lucky to offer high-quality learning environments, staff, and fun.  

It is time for the Springfield School District to begin accepting lottery applications for enrollment. The early years of a child's life are the most critical. Early developmental years are essential as the brain rapidly establishes neurological pathways and learning at tremendous rates. Children's experiences and interactions form the foundation for their future. Preschool is one way to help your child develop the necessary skills that will help them succeed in kindergarten and beyond.  

The preschool is located at the Howard Dean Education Center and operates on the Springfield School District calendar and the same schedule as Elm Hill & Union Street. We provide full-day, high-quality early childhood education to preschool-age children in the Springfield community at no cost to families. I have attached the lottery application to this email. You may find additional information on the SSD website. You can also contact Rachel Hunter at 802-885-1150 or with any questions about preschool.  

Applications are due by April 24. The Springfield School District will notify you of your child's enrollment status by May 1, 2023. We look forward to growing and learning with you. 

In partnership,

Sherri Nichols, Superintendent

Rachel Hunter, Early Childhood Ed Admin.